Wednesday, June 20, 2012

32 weeks!

I had a routine appointment this morning, the first of my every two weeks instead of every month check ups. I mentioned that I had been feeling a lot of Braxton Hicks recently (especially yesterday) but they weren't regular nor did they intensify.  After Dr. Kirkman examined me he said (approximately) "The good news is that your cervix is closed but the baby is already pretty low.  I'd say you are about 25% effaced.  I think you'll probably have this baby a few weeks early."  He talked to me about paying attention to the symptoms and to call if I start feeling actual contractions.  I don't know how early Mina will come but it sounds like we might have a July baby and not have an August baby!
It was sort of surreal to hear that she will most likely come early (and not just from my Mom who has been saying it for months.)  If Mina is 3 weeks early then we'll have a baby in 5 WEEKS.  That is just over a month, folks.  That is sort of crazy.

I'm not going to post another bump picture because I personally don't really like them.  I figure I posted enough on this blog already.  I just hope I don't regret it later on.  Oh well!


  1. I had Dr. Kirkman for my pregnancy with Evelyn. Loved that man. However, a word of warning... his predictions were WAY off for me. He told me I'd have my baby in 10 days, it took 3 more weeks. Then while I was in labor he told me I'd have my baby by 10 PM and she wasn't born til 5 AM. Other than that I thought he was perfect.

  2. Wow!! That is crazy! I hope everything goes really well and that baby Mina will be heathly and strong! My birthday is July 22nd!!! ;) ;)

  3. Good for you! I'm so glad you already pay so much attention to your body. Having a baby early is nice. Both of my boys came 2 - 3 weeks early and it was great. But babies do whatever they want, and sometimes are unpredictable. Good luck! I hope all goes well. Ps.. if you don't like bump pictures, then don't worry about sharing them here. But I would recommend taking them at least, for a baby book if nothing else.. Ezra LOVES to look at pictures of me while I was pregnant with him and tell me all about how special he was to be in my tummy.
