Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pregnancy, in general

During the past 20 weeks I've had a lot of time to read about pregnancy and experience it first hand. I have been surprised by a few things:

1. My body has changed a lot. I remember coming back from Christmas break and my waist was GONE. It was so weird! It just went right down from my ribs to my hips Not that there was a huge difference before... Also weird, the pains in my ribs as the baby continues to grow.

2. I really hate the term "eating for two." The baby is TINY and does not need three adult meals in a day! I'm been trying to eat healthier and drink more water. I'm curious to see how much I have gained in the past four weeks.

3. I'm glad I'm starting to look pregnant and not just bloated. I was really terrified that I'd go the way of Jessica Simpson. I swear she has been pregnant for years! I hear she still has a MONTH to go! (side rant: I've read on message boards and websites about how Jessica Simpson is short so that's why she looks like she swallowed a beach ball. Bull crap. I'm 5'2" and I don't look like she did at Christmas. I also don't eat buttered Pop Tarts.)

4. The first trimester was intense! I felt like I had the flu for most of it. Those fun feelings lingered for a while into the second trimester too. Throwing up is awful. I'm curious if my other pregnancies will be the same.

5. Smells were the worst. And sights too. I had a really hard time going grocery shopping so James did it for a little while. It was so weird to be overwhelmed by the pictures on food labels. I wonder if that is common.

Tomorrow is our ultrasound and we'll get to see our baby! I am so happy!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't grocery shop for most of my pregnancy.. When I past being sick (at like 27 weeks)it went from the smells and sights being horrible, to wanting things I never thought I would love. (I craved pickles for 2 weeks. I ate 3 jars of them by myself.) It sounds like you have a pretty good handle on pregnancy, and what is good for you and your baby. I'm so happy for you! Congratulations again! :)
