Wednesday, May 15, 2013

9 Months

9 Months old! It seems like just yesterday Mina was a tiny baby with lots of dark hair.  Now, she is a wiggly baby who loves to move.
Last summer, before Mina was born, I received two rompers at two different baby showers.  One was newborn sized, she wore that home from the hospital and the other was 9 month sized.  I dressed her in the larger one this week and she was swimming in it.  I figure she will be able to wear it around her birthday.
The time has officially passed too quickly.

I made a romper to commerate Mina's 9 month-ness and I was so excited to dress her up and take some pictures.  Mina had other plans on Monday.
I had slightly more success on Tuesday.
At least she was happy! Unfortunately the paper didn't survive.
 Mina's stats for 9 months
25 3/4" tall
15 lbs 10 ounces
18" head
Diapers: She moved up to size 3 diapers recently. She was teetering on the edge between the two sizes and we had two HUGE boxes so we moved up the 3's.

Clothes: Most of her 6 month clothes fit perfectly.  I packed up the last 3-6 month items this past week but I rediscovered some shorts from last summer that fit and her jeggings are now cute capris. I figure they still work.

Sleep: She still gets up twice at night to eat.  I figure she needs it because she is so small.

Noises: Lots of them and at high volume.

Teeth: Two cute razor sharp teeth on the bottom.
Food: She doesn't like to eat baby food from spoon but she will eat it out of pouch.  Thanks to my sister-in-law Jessie, we have a bunch of reusable pouches.  Mina likes to try whatever we are eating and she likes to feed herself.  She loves to gnaw on apple slices.
Skills: Mina can pull herself up on just about anything, or anyone! She is so determined and brave.  She will scoot around her crib and the banister if we give her the opportunity.  Mina has also figured out how to clap and she will play peek-a-boo as well.  We love our little munchkin!

 Crawling will probably happen any day now, unless she starts walking before!


 James was able to participate in commencement this month. He successfully defended his thesis a week before.  We are SO proud of him! James is almost done, just another round of revisions. But, before I write about graduation, I need to write about the weekend he defended his thesis.

We spent a lot of time in the car, like this:
We loaded up the car and drove to Logan for the defense. We watched the first portion of the defense, James presented a power point about his project.  He did a great job and Mina only contributed a little bit.

Several hours later we finally hit the road for Vernal. Mina did surprisingly well considering she hadn't really napped and she didn't eat a whole lot. By the time we got settled in at the motel it was, oh, 3 HOURS past her bed time. She was very chipper:

maybe a little TOO chipper

The next day we had breakfast with James' parents and then we went to James' cousin's sealing.  It was lovely.  The temple is so interesting because it was formerly the Tabernacle. I was glad we were able to attend and support Jared and Kendra. After the luncheon we packed up and headed home.

Mina entertained herself by taking self portraits.

I had to put a stop to these when I realized this had happened:
I dropped my phone in a parking lot in Vernal.  Ouch.  Luckily it still works!

A week after our Logan/Vernal adventure, we went back to Logan for commencement exercises.  James' parents, my parents plus James' sister and her family joined in the fun.  We were glad to reach another milestone and James is grateful to be another step closer to finishing his thesis. Finally.

the hooding gauntlet

I'm fairly certain James is behind the girl with long hair

Afterwards we had delicious Tandoori Oven and Aggie Ice Cream.  
Congratulations, James!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mina faces

Mina loves to look at herself.  She doesn't seem to care if it is a mirror or my phone.  She usually calms down pretty fast if I let her look at herself on my phone.